
If you want to Uninstall the XnView program then please do the following steps.

How To Uninstall XnView after it has been installed using the Setup Program:

  1. Select the Windows menu StartProgramXnViewXnView Uninstall
  2. A message box will be displayed. If you want to continue uninstalling XnView choose Yes.
  3. XnView program files, directories and Registry entries on your computer are removed.
  4. Some configuration files may need to be deleted manually (xnview.ini and bookmark.ini) after the deinstallation is finished.

How To Uninstall XnView after it has been installed using the Zip Archive:

  1. Delete the XnView Program directory and the files contained.
  2. Delete the file "xnview.ini" in the Windows directory (e.g. C:\Windows).
  3. If you have created any, delete any links or symbols to XnView in the Program Group.